Dr. Moran Discusses The Importance of Masks In Schools With Verywell Health

A new school year has kicked off and across the country we’ve seen states, including our own, try to ban masks in schools. This could lead to serious health risks for students, especially disabled students.

Many people with autoimmune disorders are still at an increased risk of contracting and transmitting COVID-19, even after vaccination. For children, who are still not eligible for vaccination, the use of masks in schools is most important.

Our Dr. Ryan Moran was recently interviewed by Verywell Health where he shared that the PICU has seen an uptick in COVID-19 admissions and deaths among disabled children. Dr. Moran also noted the difference in COVID-19 outbreaks and spreading between school districts that have mask mandates and those that don’t.

To read his full interview, click here.

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