The West Nile Virus, Children and Pregnant Women

There has been a spike of West Nile Virus cases in the United States this year. As of now, over 2000 cases have been reported and over 100 people have died, the highest number since the virus was first detected in the United States in 1999.

The number may be even higher because mild cases go unreported, and West Nile Virus symptoms sometimes go unrecognized. Twenty-five percent of people infected will become ill, and less than one percent infected will develop severe symptoms.

The virus is usually found in the summer, peaking in late August and early September, with cases continuing to arise through October.

Although people over 50 years of age are the most vulnerable to the virus and severe cases are uncommon in toddlers and children, children can still be victims of the West Nile Virus, especially those with certain types of advanced cancer and those who are immunocompromised.

Currently, all states except Alaska and Hawaii have found the West Nile Virus present in people, birds or mosquitoes this year.

Over 70% of this year’s cases have occurred in six states – South Dakota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Michigan, and almost half have been from Texas alone.

Following are some steps that Pediatric Critical Care of South Florida recommends that parents take to keep their children safe from the West Nile Virus.


Since the virus is spread through mosquitoes, and not through person-to-person, contact, basic preventive measures are recommended during mosquito season.  Insect repellants with ingredients that include DEET, picardin, oil of lemon, eucalyptus, and IR3535 are preferable.

Experts agree that bug zappers, sonic devices, and mosquito traps are not effective and are not suggested.

Insect repellants with DEET and picardin are safe for pregnant women, and breastfeeding women can also use DEET.


The most common symptom of the West Nile Virus is “West Nile Fever”. Its signs include fever, headache, tiredness, back pain, muscle aches, decreased appetite, rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.  These symptoms can last from a few days to several weeks.

More severe cases of the virus develop symptoms that include disorientation, seizures, muscle weakness, neck stiffness, coma, and paralysis.

All possible symptoms of the West Nile Virus should be promptly evaluated by a healthcare provider. A blood test can confirm the diagnosis, although it may be falsely negative in the first week of the illness.

Pregnancy and Breast-Feeding:

Pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding need to take precautions against the virus by following the same preventive guidelines that have been issued for the general population, and a detailed and thorough examination of a newborn should take place in an infant born to a mother infected with West Nile Virus.

The risk that West Nile Virus may present to a fetus or an infant infected through breast milk is still being evaluated. Experts, however, continue to recommend breastfeeding for woman known or suspected with West Nile Virus.

Fortunately, fetal abnormalities from the West Nile Virus infection are uncommon.

For more information on the West Nile Virus and the latest up-to-date information, please visit the Center for Disease Control’s website at

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